Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well now ................. I was encountering an increasing amount of disfunctionality with the old "Dicksons Gallery" website and it got to the point where it was really just a waste of time that could have been better spent painting. So, after 5 or 6 years of careful nurturing, the site is no more and I'm hoping this blog will fill a perceived "void" in the artistic universe. Having said that, I have no idea where this is going. I'm a man of lots of thoughts but very few spoken words. Bueno, ....... vamos a ver.
The painting you see first up on the left is an oil on canvas, 24 x 30in., I did in December. " Days End " is what it's called and I'm pretty happy with it. Total satisfaction with anything I've done is a bit of an illusive feeling but this one comes close. So, that will maybe get us off on the right foot so to speak. I'll check out how the page looks and there will very probably be more to follow. T.D.


  1. Congratulations on your new blog Tom. As a long time fan, I'm excited to see your latest paintings and read your interesting thoughts. "Days End" is a lovely painting - lots of light,vibrant colours and life! Makes me want to jump right in and have a seat on the steps. Very nice indeed. Looking forward to seeing lots more, Marilyn

  2. This fountian has seen so many changes. I have photos of it when was painted blue. Love this painting; it's a great scene! Robin

  3. Thanks Robin, I prefer the white version, but I have seen photos of it in it's blue period! It's a beaut. Tom

  4. Also the burro traffic used to be heavier back in the 60's and they used to cue up at that one for a slurp. Tom
